July 20, 2010

Walking with Pythons

My previous posts about how long it takes for Python 3 to become mainstream had a few comments, both on- and off-site. Those comments written among others by members of Python team, pointed out that there may indeed be unspecified reasons for keeping two identical parallel versions for so long. Well, they know better.

But I still believe in two things:

  1. No matter which version of Python 2 you decide to leave for Python 3, there is still an incompatibility gap you have to cross, and postponing doesn't make it go away.
  2. Python 3 still offers no benefits compared to Python 2, even for new green field projects. And this means that new projects are still started in Python 2.

Anyway, we'll see. Python is a great language, no matter which version. Since the project I'm worrying about is itself a framework with very little dependencies, I will keep the development running easily, language not to blame.

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