April 23, 2006

One note on Python simplicity in handling phoenix problems

One of the major problems in developing long running applications (and applications in general really) is cleanly handling shutdown. Among them a particular subproblem of phoenix singletons - what happens sometimes if one entity references the other (typically a global singleton), which has already been unloaded.

For instance, consider the following shutdown code in moduleA (using simplified Python syntax):

def shutdown():
there is no guarantee that moduleB has not been shut down yet. Now, if moduleB is also written in a delayed initialization fashion, ex:

impl = Impl()
def callme():
if not impl.initialized():
return impl.callme()
def shutdown():
then what happens upon moduleA's shutdown is a reinitialization of the impl - one sort of a phoenix. It just went on me that instead of building a complex synchronization schemes to handle this cleanly, all I need to do to prevent this is just

def shutdown():
del impl
and now as impl is just not there, the moduleA's attempt to reference it at shutdown will fail and throw - a much more appropriate behaviour in a given situation. This is less clean a solution, but how simple it is !

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